animals secrets
sitting cat

The Secret Lives of Domestic Cats: What They Do When You’re Not Home

Cats have forever captivated our imaginations with their mysterious behaviors and graceful agility. But what happens when the human eyes are no longer watching? Let’s dive into the enigmatic world of our feline friends and discover what they’re up to when we’re away.

1. The Cat Nap Conundrum

Cats are notorious for their love of sleep. On average, they sleep for about 12-16 hours a day, and sometimes even up to 20 hours.

AgeAverage Sleep Duration
Kitten20-22 hours
Adult12-16 hours
Senior16-20 hours

When you’re not home, your cat is most likely catching up on some much-needed rest, especially during the day. The evening, however, might tell a different story.

2. The Nocturnal Hunter

Even domesticated cats retain the instincts of their wild ancestors. The twilight hours and early dawn are prime times for hunting. Your cat might be chasing after a toy, a shadow, or even an unsuspecting insect that made its way inside.

  • Toys: They often serve as prey substitutes. Cats bat them around, pounce, and even “kill” them.
  • Shadows & Lights: These can be intriguing. A passing car’s headlights or a shifting shadow might send your cat into hunt mode.
  • Insects: A wandering fly or spider is rarely safe in a cat household.

3. The Explorer

Cats are naturally curious creatures. When you’re away, they might explore areas they usually avoid—maybe because you’re often there or they associate it with being off-limits.

Places your cat might explore:

  • Shelves or high places they can jump onto.
  • Inside open cabinets or closets.
  • Under furniture, especially if it’s a space they rarely visit.

Remember those mysterious items found under the couch? Thank a curious kitty!

4. The Social Butterfly (or Not)

Cats have reputations for being solitary, but many enjoy the company of other animals, especially fellow cats. If you have multiple pets:

  • They might play together, chasing each other around.
  • They might groom each other, a sign of bonding.
  • Or, they could have territorial disputes. This is more common in homes where the cats aren’t familiar with each other or in multi-cat households.

5. Window Watching: The Feline TV

For many cats, a window is like television. They might spend hours:

  • Watching birds, squirrels, and other wildlife.
  • Observing passing cars and people.
  • Or even taking a sunbath on a sunny windowsill.

6. The Vocal Solo

Have you ever heard your cat meowing when you’re about to leave or just after you’ve closed the door? Cats often vocalize for various reasons:

  1. Calling for You: They might be checking if you’re still around.
  2. Expressing Discontent: If they’re used to a routine and it’s disrupted.
  3. Talking to Other Animals: Yes, they might be communicating with other pets or even animals outside.

7. The Self-Care Routine

Grooming is a big part of a cat’s life. When they’re alone:

  • They lick their fur to keep it clean.
  • They might scratch posts or furniture to sharpen their claws and stretch their bodies.
  • Or even indulge in a “dust bath” on a sunny patch of carpet.


The life of a domestic cat isn’t just about lazing around (though there’s plenty of that!). When you’re not home, they engage in a myriad of activities, from hunting and exploring to grooming and playing. These behaviors are intrinsic to their nature and offer a glimpse into the world of our feline companions—one that’s filled with curiosity, agility, and mystery.

Next time you leave your home, know that your feline friend is probably having its own set of adventures. And maybe, just maybe, set up a camera to capture those secret moments!






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